Let's explore some of Cassidy's Zen-isms and see how they would fit with a Vajrayana snake-er-um teacher.
From HannyaShingyo, Thursday, December 31: “Huang-Po said no matter how fucked up, stop conceptual thought and you are Buddha.”
What? Damn! You thought again and your "Buddha" just evaporated. That won’t work. How bout this one?
On same day: “I recklessly tried everything for myself without ‘teachers.’”
Well that explains your failure there, doesn’t it? No teacher. No way. No shit.
So how about this one from @Jyakunen on Wednesday, September 29, “Passions lead to supreme bliss; delusions find perfect enlightenment; afflictions reveal Nirvana; sensory appearances are all it.”
That’s kinda the opposite of the truth, isn’t it? Like rolling in shit and thinking you smell good. If you believe that, I have some samsara cologne for you to try.
So how many times will this snake shed his skin until he finds something he's qualified to do? And why of all things would a felon NEED to be SOME KIND of religious teacher?
Be a watchmaker so you can steal watches!
A dental assistant so you can steal gold caps!
A banker would have obvious benefits!
Why the hell do you have to pick on Buddhism?
Crawl back into your hole, you viper.
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