Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Birthday?

October 12th is the birthday of Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, the first Western woman to be recognized as a tulku, or reincarnate saint, in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.  She is well loved and widely respected in the Buddhist world, and she has been responsible for hooking many sentient beings onto the path of Dharma in this lifetime.  That , of course, is something that Bill Cassidy (aka Tulku Tenpa, JigmeRinpoche, Dried Shit Zen, etc.) hates to even think about.  He simply cannot stand having someone, especially a woman, be what he so wants to be.  So to throw a little cold water on her birthday celebration he posts a death threat on his blog, Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar.  Naturally it’s a cryptic death threat posing as an innocuous astrology report.  Bill doesn’t think most people are clever enough to add 1+1 and get 2.  It’s part of his arrogance thing, that’s he’s oh, so much cleverer than anybody else.  

Too bad that Bill can’t add up whole equations though.  He thinks he’s so very, very clever, but he can’t see even the simplest things.  For example, viciously slandering a pure Dharma teacher and attacking her in any way possible + seducing a nun to break her vows and live in sin with him + stealing from Buddhist organizations + posing as a whole string of alleged Buddhist teachers in order to lure naïve, unsuspecting practitioners into his vile schemes = what?  Not hard to figure out that equation, but it seems to be beyond Bill.  Maybe you should go back and take a beginning math course, Bill.  It’s never too late to start anew.

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