Tuesday, October 19, 2010

He is Baaaaaa-ack

After another failure trying to be a Zen Master, Old Cassidy is back as Tenpa.  He’s back to Vajrayana now.

Let's explore some of Cassidy's Zen-isms and see how they would fit with a Vajrayana snake-er-um teacher.

From HannyaShingyo, Thursday, December 31:  “Huang-Po said no matter how fucked up, stop conceptual thought and you are Buddha.” 

What?  Damn!  You thought again and your "Buddha" just evaporated.  That won’t work. How bout this one?

On same day:  “I recklessly tried everything for myself without ‘teachers.’”

Well that explains your failure there, doesn’t it?  No teacher.  No way.  No shit.

So how about this one from @Jyakunen on Wednesday, September 29, “Passions lead to supreme bliss; delusions find perfect enlightenment; afflictions reveal Nirvana; sensory appearances are all it.”

That’s kinda the opposite of the truth, isn’t it?  Like rolling in shit and thinking you smell good.  If you believe that, I have some samsara cologne for you to try. 

So how many times will this snake shed his skin until he finds something he's qualified to do? And why of all things would a felon NEED to be SOME KIND of religious teacher?

Be a watchmaker so you can steal watches!
A dental assistant so you can steal gold caps!
A banker would have obvious benefits!
Why the hell do you have to pick on Buddhism?

Crawl back into your hole, you viper.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Black Magic

In case anyone still had any doubts about Bill Cassidy’s evil intentions, a post today on his blog, Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar, should remove them.  In it he describes how to kill someone or drive them insane using a black magic formula that involves datura, a poisonous weed that grows in deserts, also known as jimson weed or locoweed.  Datura is a very dangerous hallucinogen that is as likely to kill the user as it is to give him a head trip.  It has been used for centuries by Native American shaman as well as practitioners of tantric black magic to cast attack spells on enemies.  The fact that Cassidy chose this particular date – the day before the birthday of his alleged arch-enemy Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo – makes it clearly a death threat against her, particularly when considered in combination with his astrological post of the previous day where he prophesied the threat of death on the 12th (her birthday). 

What is of particular interest here is that the blog post goes on to describe how this particular spell makes use of owl and eagle feathers.  Several of his and his partner in crime’s sock puppets on Twitter have made reference to magical rituals using owl and eagle feathers to “permanently” settle the dispute (a dispute that exists solely in Cassidy’s delusions it should be said).  Vajragurl, the preferred sock puppet of “Jewel”, the ex-nun who renounced her vows to run off with Cassidy, the felon and con man, (it is also regularly used by Cassidy as well) has tweeted several posts about this over the last few months:

And Jyakunen, one of Cassidy’s many sock puppets, also made a similar post:

There can now be no doubt whatsoever of the identities of Jyakunen and Vajragurl (if there ever was one). 
This is a blatant threat against Ahkön Lhamo.  Apparently Cassidy feels safe because he assumes nobody believes in black magic anymore.  Another miscalculation by Bill.

Happy Birthday?

October 12th is the birthday of Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, the first Western woman to be recognized as a tulku, or reincarnate saint, in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.  She is well loved and widely respected in the Buddhist world, and she has been responsible for hooking many sentient beings onto the path of Dharma in this lifetime.  That , of course, is something that Bill Cassidy (aka Tulku Tenpa, JigmeRinpoche, Dried Shit Zen, etc.) hates to even think about.  He simply cannot stand having someone, especially a woman, be what he so wants to be.  So to throw a little cold water on her birthday celebration he posts a death threat on his blog, Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar.  Naturally it’s a cryptic death threat posing as an innocuous astrology report.  Bill doesn’t think most people are clever enough to add 1+1 and get 2.  It’s part of his arrogance thing, that’s he’s oh, so much cleverer than anybody else.  

Too bad that Bill can’t add up whole equations though.  He thinks he’s so very, very clever, but he can’t see even the simplest things.  For example, viciously slandering a pure Dharma teacher and attacking her in any way possible + seducing a nun to break her vows and live in sin with him + stealing from Buddhist organizations + posing as a whole string of alleged Buddhist teachers in order to lure naïve, unsuspecting practitioners into his vile schemes = what?  Not hard to figure out that equation, but it seems to be beyond Bill.  Maybe you should go back and take a beginning math course, Bill.  It’s never too late to start anew.