Oh, what a tangled web we weave! Yes, the spider gizmo looks great, especially for Buddhists who are trying really hard to uphold the equality of all life. And, yes, it's nice that His Holiness the Dalai Lama buys tools and things from the internet source that the spider rescue thing comes from.
Not that there aren't more important things one could say about the Dalai Lama!
In fact, the November 17 post from blogger and convicted felon William Cassidy (who likes to call himself "Tulku Urgyen Tenpa"--as if!) continues and expands his trend of trivializing Buddhism.
Not content with that project, he has used a mere gossamer wisp of connection to segue into AK47's in Pakistan, Islamic insurgents, and . . . the Prophet. (Peace be upon him!) The story about the Prophet remaining undiscovered in his hideaway in a cave because of a spiderweb at the entrance . . . well, maybe it is told that way. But it's a story we learned as a child (from Children's Digest, in fact) about Robert the Bruce of Scotland. To each his own?
"To each his own" would be a charitable interpretation of the blog's parting shot at all people of faith: "So you can give one of these to your Muslim friends. For Christmas. You'll excuse me, as now I have to go sing Kumbaya." That belief thing? Whether Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian--the blogger displays equal opportunity contempt.
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